
Monday, January 27, 2020


This quilt pattern is a phenomenon. Social media went crazy last year with images of fabric pulls and finished quilt tops in all sizes. A quilt along with the pattern designer, Meghan Buchanan of Then Came June generated thousands of photos on Instagram. 

The second annual Meadowland QAL will be starting February 3 and will run for 6 weeks. I’m joining in this year. Here are two fabric pulls, one will be a baby quilt for a friend’s grandchild and the other an anniversary gift for my daughter and son in law.

I couldn’t wait to test out a block ahead of the QAL. One turned into nine and the baby quilt top is finished! Once the cutting and mixing is done, the blocks come together quickly.  Now I just have to quilt and bind. I love when I'm finished with a project ahead of schedule.

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